How to Graduate with a Degree or Certificate



Degree/Certificate Application Deadlines:


Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)


为 春季2025科罗拉多州立大学申请者 (CSU申请期为2024年8月1日至8月31日):为确保处理充足 在CSU E-Verification时间,强烈建议申请ADT学位 2024年9月6日.  最终的学位 application deadline is October 11, 2024.


*SDSU Spring 招生 Appeals for Veterans and Active Duty: applicants who wish to use an ADT for admission that was not 发布 by June must file a general petition in 招生及记录. 请联系 寻求帮助.


为 2025年秋季科罗拉多州立大学申请者 (CSU申请时间为2024年10月1日至11月30日):为确保处理充足 取证时间; it is highly recommended to apply for the ADT Degree by February 7, 2025.  最终的学位 application deadline is March 8, 2025.


正规网赌软件推荐2025年春季学位/证书的申请将于 submission on October 1, 2024.



Associate Degrees and Certificates (Non-ADTs)

2024年秋季:                          应用 by October 11, 2024   - 5:00pm


正规网赌软件推荐2025年春季学位/证书的申请将于 submission on October 1, 2024. 



Degree and Certificate Application Steps 1-2-3



1. 确保所有 官方成绩单 你以前上过的外部机构的成绩单会提交给招生办 and Records by the application deadline 发布 above.

注意: Electronic delivery of transcripts is best, if available. 


  • All transcripts are required for Associate Degree requests, 但只有成绩证书和专业证书才需要 from an outside college will be used to satisfy 需求. 
  • Official work-in-progress transcripts are required by the application deadline 在申请的学期内在另一所大学同时入学 是申请. A final follow-up official transcript is required at the completion of the term in order to finalize and award the degree/certificate. 这适用于所有Associate Degree requests, and to Certificates as outlined above. 

2. 与顾问一起检查您的资格状态,以确保您符合所有学位/证书 需求. 联系 Counseling Services to make an appointment, or use "与咨询师交谈“来验证一下你是否满足所有的要求 毕业要求. 


3. Submit your degree/certificate application 在上面列出的截止日期之前到招生和记录办公室. 越早越好!


Degree/Certificate Applications - Status Review Timeline

学位/证书申请的处理将按照以下方式开始 schedule:  June 1st for summer applications; August 1 for fall applications; December 1用于春季应用程序.


从上述日期起约3周,或从您的申请时间起 如果在上面列出的日期之后提交,你会收到一份正式的 通过电子邮件进行评估,显示您完成学位的状态和/或 您所要求的证书. Attached to your evaluation(s) will be a letter explaining how to read your evaluation(s) and information about the graduation process. 


General Petitions, Modification of Major 形式-Name, Address, and 电子邮件 Changes

如果你打算提交一份普通请愿书来解决学位/证书要求, 通过专业变更在特定部门进行专业课程调整 form, or make official Name, Address, or 电子邮件 changes, these forms must be filed in the 招生及记录 办公室 or Evaluations by the stated application deadline. 


请愿书和修改的主要形式,以及,名称,地址和电子邮件的变化 can be accessed, submitted, and processed electronically. 这些形式和其他形式 instructions can be found on the 招生及记录 网页. 


所有毕业和毕业证书的通信将发送到档案中的电子邮件地址 with the college, which can be verified on WebAdvisor. Please ensure your email address 避免遗漏关于你的学位/证书的重要信息是正确的吗 the graduation (Commencement) ceremony. 


Making Changes to Your 毕业 Applications

如果您想在毕业典礼上添加或删除学位/证书选择 申请,调整你的文凭邮寄地址,或者你对毕业典礼的选择 仪式,请直接发邮件给您的评估人员(如下所列),要求更改. Please DO NOT submit a new graduation application. The deadline to request changes to your application are as follows: 


Spring semester:          The week of Spring Break

Summer semester:       July 15th

Fall semester:               Thanksgiving Week


Awarding of Degrees and Certificates

在每个学期结束时,最终成绩由招生和记录部门处理 办公室 approximately 2-3 weeks after the semester officially ends. 当时,资格 for degrees/certificates requested for the current term will be updated. 如果你有 满足所有规定的要求,你的学位和/或证书将被公布 to your 正规网赌软件推荐 transcript. 


注意:所有外部机构的正式成绩单都要在学位/证书之前提交 can be finalized, including concurrent work-in-progress transcripts. 


How Can I Verify My Degree/Certificate--Ordering an Official Transcript

要向外部机构或机构验证您获得的学位/证书,您可以 可以订购最终成绩单并选择“学位保留/学位发布后”。 选项-这将确保你的学位/证书被张贴到你的成绩单之前 是邮寄的. 我们建议 订购 期末成绩单不迟于期末考试期间,以便有时间处理. 


对于在上一学期获得的学位和证书,提供正式成绩单 可能是 命令 在任何时候. 



在每学期期末考试之前,评估办公室将发送电子邮件 发给该学期的所有学位/证书候选人,并估计有多少文凭 将被邮寄. 


如果一个 更改地址 需要到哪里去 邮寄你的文凭, please email your Evaluator directly or the Evaluations 办公室 at 附上你的全名、学生证号码、首选邮寄地址和就读的学期 you are earning your degree/certificate, by the following deadlines: 






注意: This mailing address change is only for your diploma(s) to be mailed. To officially change your address on file with the college, you must complete an 地址变更表格,可以在招生和记录网页上找到,以及 submit it to the 招生及记录 办公室 at: or you may update your address through your WebAdvisor account. 


注意:如果您希望亲自领取您的文凭,请发送请求 寄往评估处:


What if I'm not ready to graduate?

如果你没有完成所有的必修课程,或者在辍学时正在进行 在你申请获得学位/证书的学期截止日期之前,你会收到 收到电子邮件通知,你的毕业申请被拒绝了 need to reapply in a future semester. All application and drop deadlines are listed in the class schedule and college catalog, as well as the 学院网站



每年春季学期结束时,库亚马卡学院的毕业典礼 颁奖典礼在校园举行,为前一年夏季和秋季的合格毕业生 terms, and current prospective spring candidates. Eligible participants will receive information about the ceremony from the 学生事务 Department in late April. 这些信息将被发送到学生在学院存档的电子邮件地址. 


请浏览 开始页面 for more information about the ceremony and events or contact 学生事务


注意: 计划在未来学期完成学位/证书的学生可以申请 participate in the 毕业典礼 with approval by Counseling Services. 请联系 Counseling for specific deadline dates to apply and to review the instructions and criteria for participation in this manner. (申请截止日期 are generally in early May-please inquire as soon as you are interested). 


以优异成绩毕业vs. PTK荣誉协会会员


To officially graduate with Honors 需要一个 总绩点3.5或以上 for all degree-applicable units, from all colleges attended. The overall GPA is determined 在学生申请副学士学位的学期结束时. 


注意:以优异成绩毕业只适用于副学士学位和成绩证书 and Certificates of Specialization are not eligible. 


毕业典礼致辞, the OVERALL GPA used for Honors recognition is as follows:


夏季和秋季毕业生:最终总体学位-适用于学位时使用的GPA 发布. 


春季候选人:第八周课程结束时的总GPA为 used for Honors eligibility/recognition during the yearly 毕业典礼.


一旦春季学期的最终成绩被公布,这个总GPA就会被使用 确定以优异成绩毕业的正式资格,并将公布在 the college transcript and diplomas.  


注:对于春季学位候选人,GPA用于毕业课程和 the final GPA at the completion of the semester may differ. 这可能会影响荣誉 eligibility for recognition at the ceremony vs. the final status 发布 on the college 成绩单和文凭,我.e. Honors status may change as final grades are submitted. 


Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK)

GPA用于PTK会员资格和每学期入学的持续资格 是基于正规网赌软件推荐 GPA和完成的单元数,这与 the OVERALL degree-applicable GPA used for Graduating with Honors in the semester 完成. 


注意: Being a member of PTK is not the same as Graduating with Honors. 请联系 the 正规网赌软件推荐 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society for more information.




联系: Dana Mints(姓A-G)


联系: 丽莎·迪·贝拉(姓H-Z)
电子邮件: 丽莎 
办公室: 招生及记录
Student Services Building: G-102
Title: 评估顾问
小时: 星期一至星期四




